The coffee shop isn't that busy today so I am sitting at a table playing with a deck of cards. Its just a cheap deck of cards that I bought to mess around with. I only know how to play Go-Fish so instead of that I am just organizing them by color and suite repeatedly. Krow came over and sat down across from me. He has been watching me for a while now. It is making me a little uncomfortable.
"Do you play poker?" He asks. His sudden question flusters me and I drop the cards.
"Uh, no I don't play anything but Go-Fish. Sorry." I say. Why am I apologizing? Ugh. I pick up the cards, some of them landed on the floor which had just been mopped. Now they are wet and flimsy.
"Oh, Sorry. Was that a treasure or a personal object?" Krow asks.
"No, just something I got to play with." I say. I never thought of excepting something like this as a treasure. Krow takes the cards from me, he is extra careful with the wet ones.
"How about I show you how to play poker." He forcefully suggests.
"Yeah, ok." I say because there really isn't a choice. When Krow wants to do something, he does it. He shuffles the cards and deals out 5 for each of us. I pick my cards up and look at them. I have 2 Aces and 2 Kinds and a 2. I don't really know the rules for poker.
Krow throws out two cards and picks up new ones.
"Whatcha got?" He asks. I show him my hand. He whistles.
"You must be naturally good at this. That is a perfect hand." He shows me his, 2 Jacks a 3, 6 and king. I guess mine is better.
"Want to come over and play poker tonight? I haven't played a good game in a while." He suggests while reorganizing my deck for me.
"I don't really have any money to bet with." I admit. I have some pocket cash but I don't want to blow it on some random card game.
"That's fine. We can bet with something else." He says.
"Well, ok. Will you give me a ride after work?" I ask. I still don't have a car and its inconvenient for me to ride my bike an hour to his house then two hours home.
"Yeah, no worries." He says then gets up to finish cleaning. We have hung out occasionally since I started working here. I still haven't answered him about if I want to kill with him or not. He doesn't seem to be in that big a hurry to get an answer which is nice. If I say no things might be awkward... Well, more awkward.
"Thanks for the ride and sorry for the intrusion." I say as I enter Krows apartment. It's smaller than I thought it would be. The kitchen and living room are attached and I can see at least two side rooms. This place is far bigger than mine.
"Where do you want to play? Kitchen table or coffee table?" Krow asks. That's a weird question. Why would I care?
"Doesn't matter to me." I say.
"Coffee table it is." Krow says with a smirk. I take my shoes and coat off while he sets up. Something seems suspicious. I go and sit across from him at the coffee table.
"So what are we betting?" I ask as I adjust myself for comfort.

"Uh, what exactly does that mean?" I ask while he deals the cards.
"Just decide what you want to do with your hand." He says. This man is always so confusing. I look at my hand. I have a 3,5,9, jack and king. I discard the 3,5 and 9. Krow discards two cards. I pick up three more cards. I get a 7,9 and king. At least I have a pair. Krow picks up two cards and stares at me. I show him my hand.
He smiles maniacally. He shows me his hand. He has two 10's, an ace and a 2. Crap. He wins by far. He looks me up and down for a moment.
"Shirt." He says. I stare at him blankly.
".................huh?" I ask. Surely he doesn't mean.........
"Take off your shirt." He says. I blink at him. This was his evil plan all along!
"I already took off my shoes and my jacket... Can that count instead?" I ask sheepishly, my face flushes instantly. Krow looks like he is thinking.
"Yeah, ok. If I win two more times then you take off your shirt." He says. Grrrrrr....... I should just walk out now. I don't even know how to play poker. Something about the smug look on his face makes me want to stay and show him up....
~~~~Two rounds later
"One button at a time. Slowly." Krow instructs as I stand up. I can't believe I lost. I am still in my work uniform so its a dress shirt. I sit there and fumble with the buttons. I am incredibly tense which is making me even more clumsy.
Krow slides over and undoes the first button. I slap his hands away.
"What the heck?!" I freak out. My body pulls away from Krow by instinct.
"You looked like you were nervous so I thought I would help. You still have five buttons left. Want me to get them?" He offers. His voice is calm but I can see him clenching his fists. He couldn't seriously be mad about me hesitating... could he?
"How-.... How about if you win a round you get to undo one button for each win?" I suggest. I feel the heat rush to my face and I can't look him in the eye. What the heck? Why am I embarrassed? I change in front of him at work all the time. He seems to relax a little. He reshuffles the cards and deals another hand.
"Alright, but if you win you have to do the same to me." He declares. Crap... I should have thought about that. I look at my cards. I discard two and pick up two. I only have a pair of fives. I glance at him and he is staring at me. Watching me. I show him my hand.
He drops his hand, face up on the coffee table. He has two 10's and a 2. Which means three 10's. He wins. He slides over to me and reaches for my shirt collar. He first grabs the bottom button but when I wince a little he raises his hands and grabs the second one from the top.
Next hand. I look at my finished hand and I look back at his. I can't believe I actually won. I am just excited that I finally won one! I look over at Krow and he is looking to the side, half covering his face. He is embarrassed too. Double what the heck?! Why would he be embarrassed? I look back at his face to make sure of what I saw.
*Baddump* *Baddump* His face looks really... cute. I hear my heart beat ringing in my ears. This is so awkward.
"Well... Which article of clothing do you want to take off of me?" He asks, finally looking me in the eye. I notice that he never took off his coat or shoes.
"Your coat is fine." I say. He starts to unzip it then he stops. I look at him confused. He grabs my hand and makes me grab the coat.
"You do it." He says. I open my mouth to oppose but then I close it again. I suppose I did agree to this... I grab the zipper of his coat and tug down on it. I pull it down all the way to the hemline and then let go. His jacket is unzipped. Now what? He looks at me with pursed lips. He glances down at his jacket then back at me.
"You have to take it off too." He says, answering my unasked question. I gulp as I reach for the edges of his jacket. The way we are sitting couldn't really be more awkward for this type of thing. I push the edges over his shoulders so it slumps a little. I was hoping it would just fall off of him but that doesn't look like its going to happen. I lean forward and force the jacket over his shoulders and down to the floor. I put a little too much effort into it and end up losing my balance and falling into Krow. He catches me.
"Be more careful. You haven't even got my shirt off yet you are already in my arms. You like to move that fast?" He taunts. I pick myself up off of him and slide a little further away. Crap. My heart is beating really fast. I bet he heard it. Why does he have to be a jerk about this. He was the one that wanted to play this stupid game. He deals the next hand while talking.
"I was just kidding... If you are really disturbed by this then we don't have to." He offers. I am disturbed but I feel that if I reject him then he probably will avoid me for a while and things would get really awkward. I pick up my hand of cards. I actually have a good set right off the bat. Three kings. I feel a little cocky so I play.
"Are you just saying that because I am starting to win? So what if I move fast." I say while giving him a smile. He looks shocked for a moment and then smiles back. At least I finally broke the ice! He sets his hand down.... Four Kings. This man has impeccable luck.
He slides towards me again. What will he want off this time?
He looks me up and down and thinks about it for a second.
"I still have a lot of buttons to go. Heheh." He laughs while he reaches for the 3rd button. I bit my lip and move his hands to the 4th button as well.
"I kinda screwed up with that last round so I will give you a freebie this time." I say while avoiding eye contact. He smiles and deals the next round. My shirt is pretty much open front now. Its kind of cold in his apartment.
"When we are done with clothes do you want to do favors next?" He asks. Oh geez... That type of proposal doesn't sound good. I ignore the question and discard some cards. He replenishes my cards. He sets his hand down and smiles. I won this round. Ha! I reach over and grab his foot. I start untying his shoelaces.
"I think I get why you didn't take anything off when you got home. You should have warned me ahead of time, I would have worn layers." I tease. I throw his shoe over towards the doorway.
"Nah, I like to see you suffer." He admits as he deals the next round. To my surprise I win this round as well. I take off his other shoe and throw it so it lands somewhere near the other one. I can't help but notice how flipping cold it is inside this apartment. He deals another hand. Totally useless cards. I pick up an entirely new hand. I am screwed. Krow smiles as he looks at me again. There really isn't much left. I have my socks, jeans, belt and two buttons left. I seriously should wear more layers when I am around this guy. Logically he should go for the buttons or for my socks. Of course, Krow isn't know for his rational decisions..... He reaches for my belt. My hands instantly go to protect that area. Its instinct. He forces his way through my hands and unlatches my belt. He leans into me as he reaches around my waist and guides the belt out of the loops. He sets the belt down beside him. He points toward my hands.
"I might have to use this to tie those up later. They keep getting in the way." He says in a tedious tone.
Uh.... haha... what? I seriously have to win this game now.....
He deals the next round. I have a 7, 3, jack, 5 and queen. I discard the 7,3 and 5. I pick up a 3, 4 and jack. Well, at least I have a set of two jacks. Krow has two kings.
"Oh screw you!" I say jokingly. How is he so lucky? He raises an eyebrow at me. Uh oh. He pushes me to the floor.
"You shouldn't have said that." He says as he reaches for my waistline. I push his hands away from me. He climbs over and sits on top of me. He grabs the belt and wraps it around my wrists, binding my hands together.
"Krow?!" I say hesitantly. He puts my hands above my head.
"Krow, what are you doing? Seriously man, this jokes gone a little too far." I say as I try to pull my hands back down. He pins them there with one hand and unbuttons my pants with the other hand.
Heck no. Not happening.
"Can't you tell? I am being serious. I have been since the beginning. Actually I have been cheating since the beginning. I am a varlet you know." He admits while he unbuttons my shirt. I wiggle and struggle and try to fight back but his pin technique is flawless. I wont give up. I try to pull my arms back down and I am putting all my might into- Krow leans over and bites my ear. Instantly a shiver runs down my spine and I lay there petrified. I can hear him exhale.
"Finally. If you kept fighting I would have stopped." He says. KROW?! Ugh. I want to fight back but my body isn't really listening to my commands. All I can pay attention to is how close Krow is, what he smells like, how hard my heart is beating, how much I want him to,
"Kiss me." I mumble without thinking. His eyes widen in surprise.
"Wait, no. Sorry I was just..." I start to say but Krow cuts me off.

"Nyah...." I snap my mouth shut. I can't believe I just did that. Krow wraps his arms around me and gives me a warm embrace.
"I have wanted to do this for so long..." He exposes. He brushes my hair out of my face. I look at his expression. He looks content. Completely satisfied with the situation. I would say he looks happy but I don't know if demons can be happy.
"Soul, I lo-" Krow starts to say. **Ring Ring Ring **
Krow grumbles a little and looks in my pocket for my cellphone. He doesn't find it right away. He finds something else though.
"Krow?! That's not my phone." I growl at him a little. He snickers and kisses my chest. He hands me my cell phone.
"I know. Are you gonna answer that?" He asks nodding at my phone. I glance at my tied up hands. He opens my phone and puts it at my ear.
"Ah, hello?" I say while glaring at Krow. This is incredibly awkward. I am a nearly naked man tied up with a nearly naked man laying on top of me while talking on the phone. Now that I think about it, its probably a good thing it rang. I don't want to know where this was going. I hear a scratchy noise.
"Hello! We are calling in reference to your current credit card account! Press 1 for more information." The recording on the other end says. I wish I could face palm right now. We were seriously interrupted for that. Grrrrr....
"You can hang it up." I say to Krow. He hangs the phone up and throws it across the room.
"I really don't want to be interrupted again. If that happens I might have to punish you." Krow says with a smile though I can clearly tell its a warning. I smile and laugh nervously. I am suddenly self conscious about the situation and how much he can see of me.
"Krow, I think I Lo-" I start to say but Krow interrupts me by sticking his tongue in my mouth and violently invades every inch of self respect I had. His hands wonder around my body. I try to move mine so I can stop him but they wont budge. I am reminded all over again just how much of an "option" this is. Krows hands move to my waist. I pull my face free from him.
"We really shouldn't do that." I say. Krow looks at me, a little disappointed. He slides off of me and helps me sit up. He unties my hands. I hate seeing him so down trodden. I lean over and nibble on his ear just a little.
"Please don't do things like that if you aren't going to follow through." Krow rebuffs me. I pick up the deck of cards and sprinkle them over his head.
"You will just have to make me at some point. We have to work the first shift tomorrow so I don't think you want me limping." I explain. It certainly isn't from lack of interest. I cannot deny how into him I am...... Krow turns and pulls my head towards him giving me a passionate kiss.
"You are definitely going to regret that. You don't have to work at all tomorrow." Krow says as he pounces on me. I hang onto him as he takes control.
"Krow!" I yell as ecstasy takes over.....
~The end
**Bonus features!***
Krow and Soul, which is which is up to you. Ironically their original design gave them both black hair and blue eyes. Souls changes as he settles in to his demon-hood, eventually his hair gets white tipped and his eyes have a tendency to seem red. Krow is taller than Soul and has a lighter frame
Krow: Height: 6', Weight: 130 Lbs (which is considerably underweight for his height and frame, however his bird bones are hollow so its ok) Shoe size: 10
Soul: Height: 5'6'' Weight: Soul ironically also weighs 130 Lbs which is average(maybe a teeny tiny bit underweight) for his frame. Shoe size: 9
Word Me! (The Glossary)
Lecherous: excessive or offensive sexual desire; lustfulness
extremely angry:
"she was furious at this attempt to manipulate her"
synonyms: enraged · infuriated · very angry · irate · incensed ·
raging · incandescent · fuming · ranting · raving · seething · beside oneself · outraged · mad · hopping mad · wild · livid · boiling · apoplectic · hot under the collar · on the warpath · foaming at the mouth · steamed up · fit to be tied · wrathful
antonyms: calm
Composure: the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself
Down feathers: The down of birds is a layer of fine feathers found under the tougher exterior feathers
Waggish: humorous in a playful, mischievous or facetious manner.
Petrified: make (someone) so frightened that they are unable to move or think:
Tedious: too long, slow, or dull: tiresome or monotonous (Obviously this was used as dull**)
Pursed: (with reference to the lips) pucker or contract, typically to express disapproval or irritation:
Impeccable: (of behavior, performance, or appearance) in accordance with the highest standards of propriety; faultless:
Varlet: Unprincipled or dishonest man
Rebuff: reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or ungracious manner (is it perfect or is it perfect?)
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